Jun 6, 2009

What a Game Tonight, Eh?

Following the game tonight I wrote the following email to the Pittsburgh Penguins:*

Dear Pittsburgh:

Osgood sucks. How the f*** did you get shutout by him?

Better luck next time,
Becca Jane

I received the following response:**

Dear Becca Jane:

Quack Quack Quack Quack *middle flipper*


To which I responded:*

Dear Sidney,

You're a whiner. Perhaps you should've focused on scoring instead of slashing Zetterberg; maybe you would've gotten something done offensively that way.

P.S.: Clever with the middle flipper bit. Real clever.
Becca Jane

I'll keep you updated.

* I wrote no such emails.
** I received no such response; fictional response provided by Ontario Oilfan. I'm pretty sure Penguins don't quack, but it's funny nonetheless.
*** uck

1 comment:

Ontario Oilfan said...

"*** uck" - Pure comedic genius! :D

Unrelated: Please visit my blog @ ontariooilfan.blogspot.com. I need the ad revenue!